Thank you for supporting the Sacramento Valley Conservancy by sponsoring our annual Treasures of the Valley fundraiser! For more information, view the TOV homepage or download a sponsorship packet. For additional opportunities such as underwriting an activity or food/beverage station, in-kind sponsorships, silent auction donations, or buying bulk tickets, please contact our team at for assistance.

Treasures of the Valley Sponsorship

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Star Gazer Sponsor (20 included) $0.00
Benefits include 20 complimentary tickets, logo with a link to a profile page on our website, profile in evening program, and logo in event invitation. Verbal recognition at the event. Company marketing materials displayed at the event. Profile in Winter newsletter mailed to 13,000+ households. Link on social media.

Woodland Sponsor (10 included) $0.00
Benefits include 10 complimentary tickets, logo with a link to a profile page on our website, and logo in event invitation and evening program. Verbal recognition at the event. Logo in Winter newsletter mailed to 13,000+ households. Link on social media.

Stewardship Sponsor (8 included) $0.00
Benefits include 8 complimentary tickets, logo with a link on our website, and logo in event invitation and evening program. Verbal recognition at the event. Name in Winter newsletter mailed to 13,000+ households.

Blue Oak Sponsor (6 included) $0.00
Benefits include 6 complimentary tickets, logo on website and name in event invitation and evening program.

Wildflower Sponsor (4 included) $0.00
Benefits include 4 complimentary tickets, name on website and in event invitation and evening program.

Restoration Supporter (2 included) $0.00
Benefits include 2 complimentary tickets, name on website and in event evening program.
Underwriting Opportunity
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Capital Public Radio Sponsor $0.00
This is a special opportunity to sponsor SVC's promotional ad on Capital Public Radio (KXJZ and KXPR). Limited to one sponsor. Benefits include 6 complimentary tickets, logo on website and name in event invitation and evening program.
Additional / Individual Tickets
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Single Ticket $0.00